There are 5000 species of orchids in nature, and 29 species of orchid species, Indonesia (including the black orchid) has been protected by the government. Orchid cultivation is not as important to the occurrence of landslides, floods, famine and others.
Indonesia Megadiversity including 10 countries, with 90 types of ecosystems have the ecosystem in the sea waters, coral reefs, seagrass, mangrove, coastal beaches and estuaries, wetlands (rivers, swamps, lakes, peat), coastal forests, grasslands, savannahs, agriculture, low land rain forest, mountains, up to the alpine ecosystem in the Peak Mining, according Anida Haryatmo Kehati Foundation Panel Discussion in the event Orchid Species Save Indonesia.
Orchid problems in Indonesia:
- The loss of natural orchid (orchid species) because of the destruction of ecosystems (natural conversion, deforestation, forest fires) and taking from nature without limit (high interest in native orchids).
- Export of natural orchids illegally.
- Need improvement of CITES Implementation in practice (for orchid species included in Appendix II of CITES, but the authorities banned all exports of non-hybrid orchid).
- Despite having orchid germplasm large, research and development but not sufficient to support the availability of new seeds and cultivation that can compete.
-. Cultivation of native orchids out of Indonesia by the country. Benefit-sharing for society does not exist.
-. High orchid hybrids (hybrid) from abroad who entered.
Countries are less aware of what we have, the less to save what should have been foreign in this country, said Rahmat Witoelar, Minister of Environment, as Keytone Speaker Panel Discussion "Orchid Species Save Indonesia" dated 14 February 2006 at the Garden Orchid Indonesia Permai, TMII.
Habitat damage and utilization (including trading) are not controlled, the main cause of species extinction risk. Habitat damage caused by forest clearing for conversion purposes for land use, with no account on Biological Diversity.
Destruction of habitat conditions exacerbated by rampant illegal logging that has penetrated into conservation areas, and the incidence of forest fires that took place every year with a very large area, Indonesia threatens biodiversity is threatened.
Illegal logging can be related to the people the dignity of life, including the rules / laws on Sustainable Development. There are three pillars of Sustainable Development that is related Environmental Sustainability, Economic Sustainability and Social Sustainability. Environment as a basic starting point and is the foundation of all other development.
According to Rahmat Witoelar, in saving this species need to be involved Minister of Tourism and Ministry of Forestry. Environment Minister as a vocal point, namely as a bridge for optimal these ministers who can perform these activities.
Ministry of Forestry has been done in situ conservation (including the National Park, Nature Reserve, Nature Park) and Eksitu (including the breeding and multiplication), according to Kris Heriyanto, the Biodiversity Conservation, Directorate General PHKA, Department of Forestry.
Minister of Environment and Forestry Minister and relevant authorities must consider the habitat of orchids, orchids that can be sustainable. Call for minister of Forestry, said Rahmat Witoelar, help this orchid preserved for biodiversity is not for illegal because loggingnya Indonesia as Champion of Biodiversity.
Living environment minister's office will assist the process of registration of special species of Indonesia to the Intellectual Property. For further information please contact Amanda Katili, firmly Grace at the end of his speech.
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